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We’ve arrived in Winnipeg last night, had a great potluck with friends here in Winnipeg. Tonight we’re staying with my parents and then tomorrow, we’re off to Thunder Bay!

Bit of a trip so far! Everyone says it and it’s true. And even if you’ve done the trip before, you forget just how long, how insanely long the prairies really are. Whoa. We left (our semi-questionable campinglot in) Revelstoke on Wednesday morning and shortly after we hit the rockies, it started to pour, so we decided to skip the camping and stay in a motel. So we made it all the way to Swift Current before we crashed. It’s funny when your gps says you got 900km left, and you need to turn right in 899km. 😛

Pictures from our roadtrip so far are here.

Oh yeah and as of yesterday we officially live in Halifax; our apartment went through ‘n’ all, so when we get in, just go pick up the keys and move on in! 🙂 Sweet. Can’t wait!

Renos on the premises will start right away so we can get open as soon as possible. We’re aiming at end of September right now, so hang in there, we’ll let you know more when we get closer.


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